Measurement History

Information about historical measurements are available in History in the Vector Interface to identify issues and troubleshoot problems.
Once connected to Vector, navigate to History to see previous test information.
For each measurement, the overlays and dashboard indicators display warnings about the test setup as the measurement started, and how it ended.
By following the advice for each warning, test performance can be improved. To find out more information on a warning, hover over the icon and follow the link to the tooltip.
By default, the History page will show the reason why the previous measurement ended.
To see earlier measurements, navigate the summary table using the buttons. To help match measurement data with test results, the summary table shows the:
  • Test ID

  • Start Date and Time

  • Gauge Length

  • Duration


Measurement End Information

To inspect the measurement indicator warnings for historical tests, navigate using the Broken Specimen button. This page is shown by default.


Warnings overlayed on the specimen outline.


Measurement Ended as Markings Moved Beyond Laser Guides


Measurement Ended Outside of Operating Distance Range

Dashboard Indicators

Warnings highlighted by icons.


Measurement Ended as Markings Changed in Appearance


Measurement Ended as the Lighting Changed


Measurement Ended as the Specimen Moved


Orientation Changed During the Test


Measurement Ended as the Markings were Lost

Scanning History

To inspect the active scanning indicator warnings for historical tests, navigate using the Unbroken Specimen button.

The dashboard indicators show warnings and issues with the test setup. For more information, see section on Scanning Overlays and Dashboard.
